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宝利通HDX 7000高清系统能够使用户随意、自然地进行视频交流,通过HDX 7000内置的多方会议和内容共享功能,可以快速方便地将异地与会者通过视频召集起来完成项目协作。


  • 宝利通HDX 7000高清系统能够使用户随意、自然地进行视频交流,通过HDX 7000内置的多方会议和内容共享功能,可以快速方便地将异地与会者通过视频召集起来完成项目协作。 
  • 高清(HD)的标准设计;HDX 7000解决方案采用了宝利通高清语音技术消除了语音的失真,同时宝利通的环绕立体声音频技术能够将房间内的声音分为左右声道,使远端的与会者直接感受到发言人的实际位置。 
  • 对于需要建立高清(HD)视频和音频通讯的用户,宝利通HDX 7000系列提供了一种灵活和可靠的解决方案,适用于各种应用,随时随地的项目协作。

  • 高清视频---最高支持4M带宽,支持4CIF(HDX7001)或者720p(HDX7002)分辨率 
  • 高清音频---Polycom Siren 22提供难以置信的高保真立体声音频 
  • 高清内容---Polycom HDX支持基于People+Content技术的双流标准H.239,无论是高清视频,还是PPT讲稿均可实现真正的高清内容共享 
  • 强大的语音---Polycom Siren 22与Polycom的环绕立体声结合,提供业内顶尖的音频效果 
  • 内置MCU---可选4点内置MCU,为您的视频会议提供更大的灵活性 
  • 内容共享---同时支持H.239标准和Polycom的People+Content、People+Content IP 
  • 完整高清解决方案---Polycom提供完整的,端到端的高清解决方案,包括支持高清的多点控制服务器MGC,支持高清的录播流媒体服务器RSS 2000

  • 适用于那些重视为团队成员配备有益的会议与沟通手段,以利于团队成员在充分掌握相关知识与信息的基础上做出决策的机构。 
  • 以较高的经济性,灵活地实现高质量的沟通 
  • 以高清语音、高清视频和高清内容等 UltimateHD 技术,带来极致的性能 
  • 中小型环境的完美解决方案 
  • 以细节历历在目的分辨率,让您毫无干扰地与他人共享重要数据 

  • 先进的高清视频技术,提供流畅自然的动画和清晰鲜明的图像,达到出色的视频效果


 产品型号  配置说明及功能说明  人民币市场单价
 HDX 7000-720  HDX 7000 终端, 1个Eagle Eye摄像头、HDX麦克风, 支持P+C双流, 支持PPCIP,  第二显示器,2个线缆 (DVI-RCA)\(RCA-RCA),3年的标准服务  217000
 HDX 7000-1080  HDX 7000 终端, 1个1080Eagle Eye摄像头、1080许可、HDX麦克风, 支持P+C双流, 支持PPCIP,  第二显示器,2个线缆 (DVI-RCA)\(RCA-RCA) ,3年的标准服务  273000


Polycom HDX 7000 Series Specifications

Package Includes

Polycom EagleEye III camera, codec, HDX Microphone Array, 4 Mbps point-to-point, People+Content™, People+Content IP, cables and remote control

Video Standards and Protocols

H.264, H.264 High Profile IP, H.263++, H.261

H.239 / Polycom People+Content 

H.263 & H.264 Video Error Concealment

Video Input

1 x EagleEye HD camera 

1 x S-Video

1 x DVI-I

Video Out

2 x DVI-I HD video out

1 x S-Video

People Video Resolution

720p, 30 fps from 512 Kbps

720p, 60 fps from 832 Kbps

1080p, 30 fps from 1024 Kbps

4SIF/4CIF, 30 fps from 128 Kbps

4SIF/4CIF, 60 fps from 512 Kbps

SIF (352 x 240), CIF (352 x 288)

QSIF (176 x 120), QCIF (176 x 144)

Content Video Resolution 

Resolutions supported: HD (1920 x 1080), 

WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050), SXGA (1280 x 

1024), HD (1280 x 720), XGA (1024 x 768), 

SVGA (800 x 600), VGA (640 x 480) 

Output: 720p (1280 x 720), 1080 (1920 x 

1080), XGA (1024 x 768), SVGA (800 x 600)

Content Frame Rate: 5 - 30 fps

Content Sharing: People+Content™

 and People+Content IP


Polycom EagleEye III Camera

- SMPTE 296M 1280 x 720p60 SMPTE 

274M 1920 x 1080p, 60/50

- 12x optional zoom

- 72° FOV min

Audio Input

2 HDX microphone arrays supported

1 x Line-level stereo in (RCA)

1 x 3.5mm stereo mini (PC Audio)

1 x VCR / DVD stereo audio-in (RCA)

Audio Output

1 x stereo output (RCA)

1 x VCR / DVD stereo audio-out (RCA)

Audio Standards and Protocols

Polycom StereoSurround™

22 kHz bandwidth with Polycom Siren™



14 kHz bandwidth with Polycom Siren 14 

technology, G.722.1 Annex C 

7 kHz bandwidth with G.722, G.722.1

3.4 kHz bandwidth with G.711, G.728, G.729A

Polycom Constant Clarity

Automatic gain control

Automatic noise suppression

Keyboard noise reduction

Live music mode

Instant adaptation echo cancellation

Audio error concealment

Siren Lost Packet Recovery™ (LPR™ ) 


Other Supported Standards

H.221, H224/H.281, H.323 Annex Q, H.225, 

H.245, H.241, H.331, H.239, H.231, H.243, 

H.460, BONDING, Mode 1

BFCP (RFC 4562)



Polycom iPriority™

 for QoS

10/100 auto NIC (RJ45)


H.323 and/or SIP up to 4 Mbps 

Polycom Lost Packet Recovery™


Reconfigurable MTU size (IP only)


- Camera control 

- Data pass-through 

- Audio mixer control 

- Full serial API support

H.320 (Optional)

- ISDN Quad BRI, PRI T1 or E1

- Serial (RS449, V.35 RS530 with 

RS366 dialing)

- Auto SPID detection and line number  


Microsoft®Office Communications Server integration

Microsoft® ICE support


IBM® Sametime™ support

User Interface

Directory services

System management

- Web-based


- Polycom Coverged Management 

Applications™(CMA™) technology


International languages (17)

Wildcard language tool

USB software update


Secure Web

Security mode

AES FIPS 197, H.235V3 and H.233/234

FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate (#918)


Secure password authentication


Polycom Touch Control

Polycom EagleEye Director

Polycom EagleEye View camera

Polycom UC Board 

MPPlus software for up to 4 sites (SDCP)

Network interface modules

IP 7000 speakerphone integration

Polycom HDX Media Center options


Auto sensing power supply

Typical operating voltage/power 

189VA @ 115V @ 60 Hz @ .67 PF

192VA @ 230V @ 60 Hz @ .66 PF

196VA @ 230V @ 50 Hz @ .65 PF

Environmental Specification

Operating temperature: 0—40°C

Operating humidity: 10—80%

Non-operating temperature: -40°—70°C

Non-operating humidity 

(non-condensing): 10—90%

Maximum altitude: 10,000 feet

Physical Characteristics

HDX 7000 base box with removable stand

- 13.9" x 5.1" x 11" (H/W/D standing)

  • 美国宝利通(POLYCOM)全线正品音频产品非人为及不可抗拒因素损坏外,均可以享受宝利通授权代理商或者厂家的双重三年保修。

  • 正品与水货的区别是什么?

  1. 区别一、正品是经宝利通认证的正规渠道代理商销售的产品,拥有宝利通原厂提供的三年质保。水货没有原厂提供的三年质保。
  2. 区别二、宝利通在中国设有保税库,但只针对正品提供本地零配件免费更换服务,在国外及其它未经宝利通授权的渠道购买的水货不享受本地零配件更换及保修服务,需退还到国外进行维修更换。
  • 如何快速有效辨别正品与水货?
  1. 拨打宝利通音频免费咨询热线,只要查询机身序列号,就会很快的分别出是否正品。
  2. 请参考外包装上的Part Number

请参考外包装上的Part Number

  • 购买宝利通音频正品注意事项:
  1. 购买宝利通音频产品时请向商家索要相关票据(发票或收据或送货单),要商家把宝利通产品的机身序列号写在票据上。
  2. 由于伪劣仿冒、水货等非法产品在运输、储藏等渠道上操作不规范,会对产品本身的质量造成严重影响,留下质量隐患,且无法享受厂商提供的售后服务包括:技术支持、免费维修等。请最好去正规的经销商购买。


  • 宝利通的会议电话都是几千元,甚至上万的设备。从我们公司多年来经营宝利通的产品总结,经常遇到客户购买的会议电话因联系不到原购买供应商,而导致会议电话无法进行维修与保养;上万的视频会议设备同样遇到如此类的问题。针对于此情况,我公司工程人员积累多年来的实践经验,特提供POLYCOM全系列产品的检测,维修,保养等增值服务。
  • 以下几点情况请客户特别留意:

  1. 1、维修前需致电我公司工程人员确认设备出现的具体不正常情况,电话:0755-82207986;
  2. 2、所有维修的产品需要完整包装(包括设备所有的连接线)邮寄到深圳公司或上海办及北京办
  3. (深圳地址: 广东省深圳市福田区红荔西路第一世界广场B座9D;上海地址: 上海市普陀区中山北路3064号绿洲广场B座1803室(地铁站3号\4号\11号线到曹杨路站) ;北京地址:北京市海淀区苏州街20号院1号楼1303室)
  4. 3、会议电话维修周期:收到产品后一般问题是7个工作日可以返回给客户;会议电话的电源若不能修了,我公司可以提供宝利通的电源单卖。详情联系0755-82181169咨询;
  5. 4、视频维修周期:收到产品后一般为7个工作日;
  6. 5、经我公司维修的产品,均可提供三个月售后服务;
  7. 6、凡是在我公司维修的产品,均可提供检验报告及维修报告。

  • 以上服务是我公司为广大客户提供了额外的增值服务,也希望广大客户提出宝贵的建议。
  • 鑫怡海通讯公司正是秉承这一宗旨:以服务为本、以技能领先、客户至上为理念,不断自我完善,使客户用最少的投入达到最佳的效果。

Polycom HDX 7000 Series 

High Definition Quality with Flexibility and Reliability 

【Product Description】The Polycom HDX 7000 series provides flexible, affordable HD video conferencing for  high-quality communication throughout mainstream workplace environments. Expanding the  utility of visual communication quickly and easily, Polycom HDX 7000 series systems are ideal for education, medical, enterprise and on-demand collaboration applications.

【Product Feature】
  • Enhancing Collaboration with HD Technology
          Intuitive interfaces allow users to adopt and use Polycom HDX 7000 series systems quickly, 
while a variety of bundle options enable the Polycom HDX 7000 series systems to be 
wall-mounted, free-standing or easily wheeled to any location to accommodate visual 
communication in any room. With embedded content sharing capabilities, Polycom HDX 
7000 series systems allow individuals to collaborate in HD detail on content such as 
diagrams, project plans, multimedia presentations and more.
          Leveraging Polycom’s renowned quality and designed to high-definition standards, Polycom 
HDX 7000 series systems utilize features such as Polycom HD Voice™ technology to deliver patented, crystal-clear audio and Polycom StereoSurround™audio to separate room sounds into left and right channels to deliver physical-sense spatiality to opposite-end participants.

  • Rich-Media Presentations Made Easy
          For rich-media group presentations, Polycom HDX 7000 series systems display dynamic 
content and data in HD to enhance collaboration and audience participation. With Polycom People+Content™collaboration technology, users can share presentations and live video simultaneously, allowing conference participants to interact naturally and dynamically.Polycom HDX 7000 series systems are a key element of the total Polycom visual communication solution, which includes seamless integration with the Polycom RMX® series conference platforms, as well as with Polycom Converged Management Application™ series for management and scheduling.
  • About Polycom
          Polycom is the global leader in standards-based unified communications (UC) solutions for telepresence, video, and voice powered by the Polycom® RealPresence™ Platform. The RealPresence Platform interoperates with the broadest range of business, mobile, and social applications and devices. More than 400,000 organizations trust Polycom solutions to collaborate and meet face-to-face from any location for more productive and effective engagement with colleagues, partners, customers, and prospects. Polycom, together with its broad partner ecosystem, provides customers with the best TCO, scalability, and security—on-premises, hosted, or cloud delivered.

High-definition video – Up to 720p30 or 1080p30 resolutions
High-definition voice – Polycom Siren™ 22 and Polycom StereoSurround technology for superior audio performance 
High-definition content sharing –Polycom collaboration technology for sharing graphics,presentations and rich-media content with HD and nonHD systems
Embedded multipoint – Optional four-way embedded multipoint bridge for greater flexibility and participation
Flexible connectivity – Optional H.320 interfaces for easy access to BRI, PRI or serial networks

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